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Event Proposal Template for Word, PDF

Use this professional event proposal template to win the event-planning gig or get your event funded.

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    • First, describe your company, the services you offer, and the team that'll be handling this event or customer relationship
    • Next, describe the event itself. This is the part where you paint a vision for your potential client. Make sure to include key details, like the location, theme, main objective, and so on
    • Provide an overview of the planning and prep process, from the very early stages to the day of
    • Include pricing information and a payment schedule
    • Give the client guidance on next steps
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    Event Proposal Template

    Event Proposal Template

    As an event planner, you know how to organize and execute any occasion so that it runs smoothly and offers an excellent experience for guests and hosts alike. However, you might need some help with developing a professional proposal that you can proudly deliver to potential clients. This template offers a structure and examples to help you create a clear, comprehensive proposal for any event.

    HubSpot Tip: Make specific updates to the template for each new event you are managing. It is important to provide each client a customized proposal that is specific to the unique requirements of their event.

    Our Company and Team

    Provide a one-paragraph overview of your event management company. Describe when, why, and by whom your company was founded. Mention key events that you have planned in the past, focusing on ones that are similar to the event you are currently proposing. Describe your company’s mission and tell the reader what sets you apart from other event planning firms.

    Our Services

    Give an overview of the types of assistance you offer to clients. This list does not need to be specific to this particular event proposal; you should include all of the event management services that your company offers. After giving a brief introduction, you can provide the services in a bulleted list, as shown below:

    • Service 1

    • Service 2

    • Service 3

    Our Proposed Event Management Team

    Offering a credible team is essential to the success of any event management proposal. In this section, you should provide an overview of your team and the role each member will play in managing this event. Then, you should provide the names, titles, and brief profiles or biographies of each of your proposed staff.

    Each profile should comprise a short paragraph and should include the team member’s years of experience in event management, any relevant certifications or educational milestones, and similar events they have managed in the past.

    • Team Member 1, Title – Profile

    • Team Member 2, Title – Profile

    • Team Member 3, Title – Profile

    HubSpot Tip: Consider including professional headshots of your proposed team, to personalize the proposal and connect faces with the names.

    Your Event


    Provide an overview of the event, describing the different activities that will take place, the type of food and beverages, and the style of décor. If applicable, explain how the event fits with your client’s strategic goals.


    After giving a brief introduction, present the important details of the event, perhaps using the table below as a template.

    Event Name

    Date and Time



    Number of Invitees

    Expected Number of Attendees

    Key Message

    HubSpot Tip: Customize it! The items in the table above are only suggestions. Feel free to edit them to the specifics of the event you are proposing.

    Major Activities and Timeline

    After describing the event in general, you should show the activities involved in planning and executing the event, with start and completion dates. This gives the potential client a sense of the timeline for the event, how many times you will need to meet throughout the process, and allows them to follow along with the schedule and know that all activities are being completed on time. You can use a simple table, like the one that follows, to depict the timeline.


    Start Date

    Completion Date

    HubSpot Tip: Including a detailed schedule highlights your credibility and shows your ability to execute the event on time.

    Pricing and Payment Schedule

    Indicate all of the activities and items that are required for the event to be successfully planned and executed. Some of your costs will be at an hourly rate and some will be associated with a flat fee. You can present and total them in a table like the one below.


    Hourly Rate/Flat Fee

    Estimated Hours/Quantity





    For this type of work, payment often happens on a schedule, with a percentage being owed upon signing the contract, and then additional amounts being due leading up to the event. You can use a table like the one below to indicate the proposed payment schedule.



    Deposit – 20% of total

    Upon contract signing

    25% of total

    2 months prior to event

    30% of total

    1 month prior to event

    Final 25% of total

    1 week before event

    HubSpot Tip: Update the pricing information and payment schedule according to the specifics of the event.


    Indicate what is needed to move to next steps. Most likely, you will need a signature from the client, and payment of a deposit. You should also include your company’s specific contract details indicating the terms and conditions for this work.

    HubSpot Tip: Consider including your contact information (email address and phone number) so that the customer can get in touch with you quickly to discuss the proposal, if necessary.


    Following the contract, you should include a place for signatures by the client.


    [Name], [Role]


    [Name], [Role]


    [Name], [Role]

    HubSpot Tip: Include signature lines for everyone who is responsible for approving the proposal. Include their names and roles to personalize the document.


    If you have photos of past events, consider collecting and including them at the end of your proposal to give the client a sense of your style and skillset. You can include photos of the kinds of décor, food, drinks, and event invitations that you typically offer.

    HubSpot Tip: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” While the written word is powerful, never underestimate the influence of a photo! You might even consider including photos throughout your proposal to illustrate your points in each section.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Paint a vision for the event: where will it be held? Who will attend? What will the mood be? Then transition into the business upside: how much money or positive publicity will this event generate? How will it help you achieve your organization's goals?

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