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Social Media Policy for Word, PDF, Google Docs

A social media policy establishes the rules around social media use at your organization and prevents social media misuse by employees.

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    Available for Word & PDF & Google Docs

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    • You can download our social media policy template as a Word document, Google doc, or PDF.
    • At the top of the first page, provide basic information about the policy, including the policy number, version number, and effective date.
    • Now, define the scope of your social media policy, explaining to what and whom the policy applies.
    • In the Policy Purpose section, explain what the policy was created to accomplish.
    • The Policy Elements make up the meat of your policy document. Here, you should describe your organization's policies for using personal social media at work and for posting to the company's social media accounts.
    • Describe the punishments that are associated with different offenses.
    • Provide a list of the people who are responsible for developing and enforcing the social media policy.
    • Identify any related policies.

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    Social Media Policy

    Social Media Policy Template

    It goes without saying that social media plays a big role in our personal lives. But Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms are influential at the workplace, too. Using social media effectively can lead to better information sharing, increased sales, and more productive employees. However, allowing your employees to use social media during normal business hours comes with challenges.

    This template will help you create a robust policy to avoid social media misuse at your organization.

    HubSpot Tip: Social media can take several forms in the workplace. Be sure to address the use of both official company accounts and employees’ personal accounts when writing your policy document.

    Policy Information

    At the top of your policy, include a table like the one below. Provide the Policy Name, Policy Number (if your organization assigns them), Effective Date, Date of Last Revision, and Version Number.

    Policy Name

    Policy Number

    Date of Last Revision

    Effective Date

    Version Number

    HubSpot Tip: It can also be helpful to include the name and contact information of the person responsible for the policy, so that employees know who to call or email with questions.

    Policy Scope

    To begin, you should designate to what and to whom the policy applies. Social media is a very broad category. Explain precisely what it means to your organization. Next, designate who in the organization is subject to your social media policy.

    HubSpot Tip: The policy might apply to the entire organization, but, for example, consultants or remote employees might not have the same restrictions as staff who work at the company headquarters.

    Policy Purpose

    In this section, you should provide a brief overview of the policy. Explain what prompted the organization to develop your social media policy and what you hope it will accomplish.

    HubSpot Tip: A social media policy not only sets expectations for employees, but also holds management accountable and lets staff know who to ask when they have questions.

    Policy Elements

    Most use of social media at work falls into two major categories: Employees logging in while they are on the clock and official use of your company’s social media accounts. Your social media policy should address both areas.

    Using Personal Social Media at Work

    These days, personal smartphones and tablets are not just permitted at the workplace, but are even required for some jobs. Therefore, it is essential to set guidelines for personal social media use at the office.

    Topics to cover include:

    ● Limiting the amount of time spent on social media at work

    ● Differentiating between the opinions expressed on personal accounts and the official position of the organization

    ● Regulations around confidentiality and intellectual property

    ● Avoiding defamatory, derogatory, or offensive content

    HubSpot Tip: Your employees are adults, so they should be responsible for limiting their own social media use. Most times, a manager will notice significant reductions in productivity when a staff member is spending too much time on social media.

    Representing the Organization via Social Media

    If your organization has its own social media presence, you should also provide guidance on how the accounts are to be used by employees. Provide information on the following:

    ● The style and type of content that can be posted

    ● Avoiding offensive content

    ● Correcting issues

    ● Responding to comments, including criticism

    ● Who to contact for permission to post

    HubSpot Tip: Focus on providing guidance that will protect your organization’s public image and reputation.

    Disciplinary Actions

    Explain how you will monitor social media activity and describe the potential consequences for failing to follow the company policy. Consequences can range in severity, from a verbal warning to termination.

    HubSpot Tip: For additional clarity, you might consider providing examples of non-conforming behavior and the resulting disciplinary action.

    Roles and Responsibilities

    Provide a list of the job titles and business offices who are responsible for the policy and its related activities.


    Business Office


    HubSpot Tip: You probably have a Social Media Manager, Communications Manager, or Marketing Department that manages your social media presence, but be sure to include any staff who create content for your sites.

    Related Policies and Other References

    Include a list of relevant policies and other company documents that your employees might need to review when reading the social media policy. If your organization numbers your policies, include this information to make them easier to locate.

    HubSpot Tip: Related policies might include your company’s confidentiality and data protection policies.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Publishing a clear social media policy guides your employees in their use of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms. By gaining consensus and understanding early, you can prevent future issues and know exactly what action to take when social media misuse occurs.

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